Respiratory Illnesses
What Types of Respiratory Illnesses Does MedWise Urgent Care Treat?
At MedWise® Urgent Care, we treat a variety of respiratory illnesses, including seasonal allergies, the common cold, asthma, influenza, strep throat, bronchitis, and pneumonia.
Upper Respiratory Infections
Upper respiratory infections (URIs) affect the upper part of your respiratory tract, including your sinuses and throat.
URIs include the common cold, laryngitis, epiglottitis, pharyngitis (sore throat), and sinusitis (sinus infection). Respiratory symptoms typically last for 7 to 10 days (about 1 and a half weeks) and may include a cough, fever, hoarse voice, runny nose, sore throat, lack of energy, red eyes, and swollen lymph nodes.
Because most URIs are viral, treatment usually focuses on relieving symptoms that help you feel better until the virus passes.
MedWise® providers can diagnose and treat URI symptoms, including the recommendation of appropriate over-the-counter pain relievers, rest, and drinking plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.
Your MedWise® provider may also prescribe steroids to reduce inflammation of your airway passage and decrease swelling and congestion. Antibiotics may be prescribed in the case of a bacterial infection such as bacterial sinusitis or epiglottitis, but this is not always recommended.
Seasonal Allergies
An allergy is an immune system reaction to an allergen. An allergen is a foreign substance that can enter the body through ingestion, inhalation, injection or touch.
MedWise® offers diagnosis and treatment of allergies. Our provider’s recommendation of treatment may include over-the-counter or prescription medications as well as avoidance of the allergens.
- Coughing
- Sneezing
- Hives
- Rashes
- Itchy eyes
- Runny nose
- Scratchy throat
Common types
- Tree, grass and/or weed pollen
- Dust mites
- Pet dander
- Mold spores
How to prevent
- Avoid Triggers (e.g., pollen, pet dander, dust, mold)
Asthma is a chronic disease in which air passages in the lungs narrow, leading to symptoms such as wheezing and shortness of breath. Severe cases of asthma can be fatal and require emergency medical care.
MedWise® can diagnose and treat asthma with prescription inhalers, steroids and tips on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle with asthma.
Common causes
- Pollen
- Extreme weather changes
- Smoke
- Dust mites
- Stress
- Exercise
- Frequent coughing that can worsen with exercise, viral infection or cold air
- A whistling or wheezing sound when breathing out
- Shortness of breath
- Chest congestion
- Difficulty sleeping due to symptoms
Influenza (Flu)
Influenza (commonly known as “the flu”) is a contagious respiratory condition caused by influenza viruses. This seasonal virus is seen in all age groups and is primarily spread by coughing, sneezing or while talking in close proximity. Infants, toddlers, the elderly, and those who have a compromised immune system are at risk for serious complications from the flu.
MedWise® offers rapid testing for influenza A and B. Our providers will determine the most appropriate plan of care on an individual basis, as recommendations for treatment vary based on the patient’s current illness and past medical history.
Types of Flu
- Influenza A
- Influenza B
- Fever
- Chills
- Body aches
- Headache
- Cough
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Symptoms appear within 2-4 days
- Symptoms typically resolve in 3-7 days
- Symptoms may persist >2 weeks in elderly or
immunocompromised people
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common respiratory virus that causes coughing, sneezing and other cold-like symptoms. Symptoms are typically mild. Infants, toddlers, elderly patients and patients with underlying respiratory conditions are at risk for more severe symptoms.
MedWise® has rapid RSV tests available that can help diagnose this specific virus within minutes. Our providers will evaluate each patient to determine if this test is appropriate, then create a treatment plan specific to their individual needs.
- Coughing
- Sneezing
- Runny nose
- Fever
- Sometimes wheezing
- Symptoms typically appear within 4-6 days of infection
- Symptoms typically improve in 1-2 weeks
How to prevent
- Wash hands
- Cover coughs or sneezes
- Sanitize surfaces
Strep Throat
Strep throat, also called streptococcal pharyngitis, is a common, contagious bacterial infection. It is typically spread by coughing or sneezing. Strep can also be transmitted by hand-to-mouth contact after touching a contaminated surface as well as eating or drinking after a person who has strep throat.
MedWise® offers rapid strep tests that can help determine if you have strep throat within minutes. Our providers will assess your symptoms, discuss the most appropriate antibiotics and treatment for your specific case, and advise on how to help prevent the spread of strep to others.
Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from your lungs. It can either occur suddenly with short-term duration (acute) or gradually with symptoms lasting a long time (chronic).
Acute bronchitis is common and usually caused by a viral infection such as the common cold. Chronic bronchitis is a constant inflammation of the bronchial tubes.
Risk factors for bronchitis include cigarette smoke, low resistance, exposure to irritants on the job, and gastric reflux. Symptoms for acute or chronic bronchitis may include a cough, shortness of breath, production of mucus, fatigue, chest discomfort, and mild fever and chills.
MedWise® providers can diagnose bronchitis by carefully listening to your lungs and upper airways with a stethoscope. If chronic bronchitis is suspected, the provider may order an on-site digital chest X-ray.
Treatment for acute bronchitis often includes rest, drinking plenty of fluids, avoiding secondhand smoke, and managing discomfort with over-the-counter pain relievers. Because more than 95% of cases of bronchitis are caused by viruses, antibiotics are not needed in most situations.
Pneumonia is an infection that affects one or both lungs and can range in seriousness from mild to life-threatening. Two age groups at highest risk for getting pneumonia include children two years or younger and people aged 65 or older.
Symptoms of pneumonia may include a cough, which may be productive; shortness of breath; chest pain when you breathe or cough; fatigue; fever, sweating, and shaking chills; and nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
To diagnose pneumonia, MedWise® providers will obtain your medical history and conduct a physical exam, which includes listening to your lungs with a stethoscope.
If pneumonia is suspected, a MedWise® provider may order an on-site chest X-ray, which can show the extent and location of the infection. Treatment will be tailored to the specific type and severity of the pneumonia. If you have bacterial pneumonia antibiotics may be prescribed.
Respiratory Illness FAQ.
When should I seek urgent care for respiratory illnesses?
If you experience difficulty breathing, persistent cough, high fever, or symptoms lasting more than 10 days, seek urgent care. These could indicate a more serious respiratory condition like bronchitis, pneumonia, or asthma.
Can I get tested for the flu or RSV at MedWise®?
Yes, MedWise® Urgent Care offers rapid testing for influenza and RSV, providing results in minutes during your visit. This allows for timely diagnosis and treatment.
How can I manage my seasonal allergies?
Seasonal allergies can be managed by limiting exposure to allergens, using over-the-counter antihistamines, or prescription medications. MedWise® providers can recommend the best treatment based on your symptoms.
Do I need antibiotics for bronchitis?
Most cases of bronchitis are viral and do not require antibiotics. However, if your provider suspects a bacterial infection, antibiotics may be prescribed.
Can pneumonia be treated at MedWise® Urgent Care?
Mild cases of pneumonia can be diagnosed and treated at MedWise®. However, severe cases may require hospitalization, especially for high-risk groups.

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